History of the Dog Park:
In August 2010, the Bellevue Park Commission
and Village Board approved a 5-year plan to
develop an off-leash dog park in our Village. The
Park Commission then approved the creation
of an ad-hoc committee to guide a private
fundraising effort to develop the dog park. The
purpose of the Ad-Hoc Committee is to:
Raise private funds for the development and
ongoing maintenance of the off-leash dog
park in the Village of Bellevue.
Raise community awareness and build
community support for the dog park.
On January 28, 2014 a 501(c)(3) “Laura & Peter Mossakowski Family Dog Park”,charity was formed. To raise funds for the parks construction and maintenance. The charity is all volunteers, with the full support from the Village of Bellevue.
August 14, 2015 The charity hired Robert E. Lee & Associates, Inc./ Garret Perry of Design Studio ETC
To help us develop a Dog Park Master Plan.
November 9th, 2015 Master plan was approved by the Bellevue Park Commission.
December 9th, 2015 Master plan approved by the Village of Bellevue Board.
Constructed in the Fall of 2016
Opening date June 24, 2017
November 21, 2017
The Village of Bellevue, along with the Mossakowski Dog Park Committee, Robert E. Lee & Associates, and design studio etc., was recently awarded the Wisconsin Park and Recreation Association’s 2017 Park Facility Award of Excellence for the Mossakowski Family Dog Park Phase 1 in the under $250,000 category.

The award selection criteria are as follows:
1. Innovation: provides a new approach to problem solving, exhibits new technology
2. Functionalism: responds to users’ needs, accessibility for all populations
3. Aesthetics: proper scale is achieved for site, relationship to surroundings, considers the overall site development
4. Community Benefits: responds to identified needs of public, public input on project, improves image of community
5. Environmental Stewardship: use of recycled materials, mechanics which are environmentally compatible (solar, low volume flush, high pressure sodium bulbs), use of native plant materials
6. Maintenance: considers ease of maintaining, durability of materials, minimize need for special equipment or special tasks, safety of maintaining siteThe award was presented at the 2017 Wisconsin Park and Recreation Association Annual Conference in November. This is the first Park Facility Award of Excellence awarded to the Village of Bellevue from the Wisconsin Park and Recreation Association.
(copied from the Bellevue blog Nov 2o17)

Funding coming from park pass fees and donations.
We will be bringing water up to the park. A drinking fountain and dog wash are in the plans.

June 2018
Conner Smith
Eagle Scout Project
Large Dog Area
Mossakowski Family Dog Park receives a Green Bay Packers Foundation Grant * December 2019

Owen Zahn
October 2019
Eagle Scout Project
Small Dog Area
April 2020 The Village Board of Bellevue approved “Phase 2” of the Master plan. Water fountains being installed at the park. Paid for by park user fees and donations.

June 2023 Paul Goral
Eagle Scout Project